نمایش تعداد 1-5 از 5
Effects of Bleed Position on the Stability of a Supersonic Inlet
Effects of various boundary-layer bleed locations on the stability of an axisymmetric
supersonic inlet has been investigated experimentally. The bleeds were located on the inlet
compression cone and were designed to improve...
Buzz Cycle Description in an Axisymmetric Mixed-Compression Air Intake
Buzz phenomenon is shock oscillation ahead of the supersonic air intake when its mass flow rate is decreasing at off design condition. The buzz onset and the buzz cycle of an axisymmetric mixed-compression supersonic intake ...
Numerical and Experimental Simulation of an Axisymmetric Supersonic Inlet
Supersonic inlet is often considered to be the most crucial element in the air-breathing engine of a
flying vehicle designed to operate at supersonic speeds. The function of the inlet is to provide
subsonic flow at the desired velocity...
Performance Study of a Supersonic Inlet in the Presence of a Heat Source
The flow over a supersonic inlet has been investigated experimentally and numerically at a
free stream Mach number of 2 and a zero degree angle of attack. Wind tunnel tests were performed to
obtain the performance parameters...
Effects of Shock Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction on Performance and Stability of a Mixed-Compression Inlet
boundary-layer interactions relevant to the supersonic inlets. Each of these flow interaction phenomena has different effects on the stability and on the performance of the inlet. Interaction of terminal normal shock with internal duct boundary-layer causes...