نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 11
Evaluation of Long Term Ageing of Asphalt Mixtures Containing EAF and BOF Steel Slags
This study was conducted in order to evaluate the effects of long term ageing on toughness and resilient modulus of asphalt concrete mixtures containing Electric Arc and Basic Oxygen Furnace steel slags. After initial evaluation of the properties...
Availability of household loads to participate in demand response
Thermodynamic analysis of the carbothermic reduction of electric arc furnace dust in the presence of ferrosilicon
on the recovery of zinc was investigated for the temperature range of 950–1050 °C at the constant pressure of one atmosphere. It is shown that ferrosilicon provides a better kinetic condition for zinc recovery by facilitating slag formation. The preferred...
Enhanced performance core-sell Si/CdS nanowires heterojunction solar cell device
Towards the reality of 3D imaging and display
Zinc Recovery from Electric Arc Furnace Dust Using Carbon and Ferrosilicon
بازیابی روی از غبار کوره ی قوس الکتریکی به کمک کربن و فروسیلیسیم
در این تحقیق، یک فرایند دو مرحلهای برای بازیابی روی از غبار کورهی قوس الکتریکی به کمک کربن و فروسیلیسیم ارائه شده است. نتایج نشان میدهد که جایگزینی کربن با مقدار کافی از سیلیسیم باعث تشکیل سرباره مذاب شده و نرخ احیاء ...
Investigation of the fatigue characteristics of warm stone matrix asphalt (WSMA) containing electric arc furnace (EAF) steel slag as coarse aggregate and Sasobit as warm mix additive
On the one hand, several million tons of steel slag is produced annually as the by-product of the steel industry in Iran and other countries and are deposited in landfills without any use, occupy vast areas, and cause environmental hazards...