نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 13
Slip flow over micron-sized spherical particles at intermediate Reynolds numbers
number increases. Furthermore, the skin friction and pressure
drag coefficients decrease as the Knudsen number increases due to the reduction in normal velocity gradients and shrinkage of the wake
region, respectively. Engineering...
Numerical Simulation and Parametric Study of a Supersonic Intake
flow ratio, flow distortion, and drag coefficient of the intake were then numerically investigated. The results showed that when the spike deflection angle of the intake was changed from 28° (designed base case) to 30°, the intake drag coefficient...
Performance Study of a Supersonic Inlet in the Presence of a Heat Source
is investigated numerically. Results
show that the heat source considerably reduces drag coefficient; however, its effect on pressure recovery is not favorable. This unfavorable effect was then minimized by controlling heat source parameters, such as its...
Increment of mixed convection heat transfer and decrement of drag coefficient in a lid-driven nanofluid-filled cavity with a conductive rotating circular cylinder at different horizontal locations: A sensitivity analysis
Since in most industrial rotating equipment, increasing thermal efficiency and reduction of drag has always been subject of interest, in this paper, a 2-D numerical investigation on mixed convection heat transfer and drag coefficient in a lid...
An Experimental and Numerical Study of Supercavitating Flows around Axisymmetric Cavitators
important parameters of these flows such as the cavitation number, Reynolds number and conic angle of the cavitators on the drag coefficient as well
as the dimensions of cavities developed around the submerged bodies. A comparison of the numerical...