Now showing items 1-10 of 138
New Bromus (Poaceae) Record for the Flora of Iran
Bromus danthoniae var. uniaristata Melderis (Poaceae)is recorded for the first time for the flora of Iran.
Astragalus orientopersicus, sp. nov. (Fabaceae), a new taxon from the Khorassan province (Iran)
Astragalus orientopersicus F.Ghahrem., Joharchi, Fereid. & Hoseini, sp. nov. (family Fabaceae, tribe
Galegeae), with 14 to 16 leaflets, dense and many-flowered inflorescence, long peduncle, and tubularinflated
calyx ...
Taxonomic study on the genus Lactuca (Asteraceae)in Iran
Taxonomic study on the genus Lactuca (Asteraceae)in Iran
A revision the genus Condrilla(Asteraceae)in Iran
A revision the genus Condrilla(Asteraceae)in Iran
Investigation of Hyrcanian Relic Elements of Mountainus Ecosystem of Darkesh area in Northern Khorassan Province,Iran
Investigation of Hyrcanian Relic Elements of Mountainus Ecosystem of Darkesh area in Northern Khorassan Province,Iran
Chemical Composition, Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of the Essential Oil of Hymenocrater platystegius Rech.f. from Iran
Chemical Composition, Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of the Essential Oil of Hymenocrater platystegius Rech.f. from Iran
Revision on the genus Rumex L. in Northeast of Iran
Revision on the genus Rumex L. in Northeast of Iran
A key and four new species of Hedysarum (Fabaceae) in Iran
A key, descriptions and new findings are given for some species from of the short-stemmed group Hedysarum sect.
Multicaulia, which occur within the area covered by the flora of the north-eastern part of Iran (Khorassan ...
Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of the Essential Oils of Tow Sclerorhachis Species from Iran
Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of the Essential Oils of Tow Sclerorhachis Species from Iran
روش سنتی تولید شیره انگور در قوچان
تولیدشیره انگور یکی ازمنابع اقتصادی عمده درقوچان بوده است که اکنون به دلایل مختلف ازرونق افتاده وروش های سنتی تهیه آن نیزدرحال فراموشی است.شیره انگور به دوصورت باز(مایع) وبسته (جامد) تولیدمی شودکه بستگی به طریقه تولیدونوع ...