Now showing items 1-10 of 245
The effect of formaldehyde or sodium hydroxide on in situ rumen degradation of low and high fat sunflower meal
The objective of this study was to determine in situ dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) degradability of sunflower meal containing 25 and 165 g fat kg-1 DM and untreated and treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH, 40 g kg-1 DM) and formaldehyde...
A Prediction Method For Sodium Silicate Gelation Time Under Reservoir Conditions Applied For Water Management
Sodium silicate is an inexpensive environmentally friendly chemical with initial water-like viscosity, favorable for well and reservoir water managements. The interest in the application of sodium silicate for water control is increasing among...
Sodium Balance and the Dysnatremias
Effect of sodium bentonite and comparison of pellet vs mash on performance of broiler chickens
A study was conducted to evaluate
In situ ruminal degradation of sesame (Sesamum indicu) stover treated with sodium hydroxide and/or urea
Straw and stover are the most abundance of agricultures residual and are using as a basal feed for ruminants in semi-arid regions. Voluntary feed intake and ruminal degradability of straw and stover are limited by high ...
the effect of lecitin and sodium caseinate on leakage and
the effect of lecitin and sodium caseinate on leakage and...
The Effect of Seed Extraction Methods on Seed Quality of Two Cultivar s Tomato-Solanum lycopersicum L
to 1, 2, for 15, 30 min), Sodium carbonate (5, 10% for 24 and 48 h) and fermentation. Percentage germination, germination rate, length of radicle and length of plumule were used for seed quality assessment. The results showed that interaction effect...
The effect of Dimethylglycine (DMG) administration on Biochemical Blood Parameters in Youth elite Basketball Players
The purpose of the study was to comparison the effect of sodium bicarbonate and dimethylglycine on biochemical blood parameters and anaerobic function in youth elite basketball players. Fifteen youth elite basketball players with 15 – 17 years old...