Now showing items 1-10 of 112
Thermally induced gas flows in ratchet channels with diffuse and specular boundaries
A net gas flow can be induced in the gap between periodically structured surfaces held at fixed
but different temperatures when the reflection symmetry along the channel axis is broken. Such a
situation arises ...
Periodically Patterned Radiometric Pumps: Novel configurations and further application
The current work revisits the radiometric channel pumps [1-2] bounded by various configurations investigating their capacity in gas species separation. Direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is successfully employed to analyze the separation...
Equivalence of the time and Laplace domain solutions for the steady state concentration of radiometric tracers and the groundwater age equation
Gas Separation Between Asymmetrically Structured Walls
Here, flow in the gap between periodically structured surfaces is studied when the reflection symmetry along the channel axis is broken. A series of triangular fins with alternating specular and diffuse walls are placed ...
Utilization of thermally driven flows in the gap between periodically structured surfaces has been
studied in the previous works. Donkov et al. [1] considered a ratchet channel with the temperature
gradient ...