Now showing items 1-10 of 26
A simple method for finding a protein’s ligand-binding pockets
This paper provides a simple and rapid method for a protein-clustering strategy. The basic idea implemented here is to use computational geometry methods to predict and characterize ligand-binding pockets
of a given protein structure...
Detecting Chemical Molecular StructureDifferences among Different Iranian BarleyCultivars Using Fourier Transform InfraredSpectroscopy
Objectives: To characterize protein molecular structure using Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectroscopy (FTIR) with univariate and multivariate molecular spectral analysis and
identify the structure differences ...
Bovine β- lactoglobulin/fatty acid complexes: Binding, structural, and biological properties
Enhancement of Protein β-sheet Topology Prediction using Maximum Weight Disjoint Path Cover
Predicting β-sheet topology (β-topology) is one of the most critical intermediate steps towards protein structure and function prediction. The β-topology prediction problem is defined as the determination of the optimal arrangement of β...
A niching two-layered differential evolution with self-adaptive control parameters
Optimizing route prior knowledge for map-aided fingerprint-based positioning systems
iCARII: Intersection-based connectivity aware routing in vehicular networks
Geometrical comparison of two protein structures using Wigner-D functions
In this article, we develop a quantitative comparison method for two arbitrary protein structures. This method uses a rootmean-square deviation characterization and employs a series expansion of the protein’s shape function in terms of the Wigner...
BetaDL: A protein beta-sheet predictor utilizing a deep learning model and independent set solution
The sequence-based prediction of beta-residue contacts and beta-sheet structures contain key information for protein structure prediction. However, the determination of beta-sheet structures poses numerous challenges due to long-range beta...