Now showing items 1-10 of 26
The Effects of Feeding Clinoptilolite on Hematology, Performance, and Health of Newborn Lambs
The effects of feeding clinoptilolite on hematology, performance, and health of
newborn Balouchi lambs were evaluated in this experiment. In a completely randomized
design, 30 newborn lambs were allocated to three groups and fed...
Ventilation/perfusion mismatch during lung aeration at birth
Hypoxia inducible factor 1α and erythropoietin expression in the hippocampus of neonatal rats following hypoxia ischemia
Report of some histologic alterations in brain of rat newborns induced by zolpidem treatment during pregnancy
Introduction. Zolpidem is a new sedative drug with agonistic effect on GABA A receptor on brain. Pregnant women may use zolpidem during pregnancy. Some teratogenic effects of this drug have been noticed in human newborns in some cases reports...
Some anatomic alterations in the rat’s newborns induced by zolpidem treatment during pregnancy
on the human newborn babies. A research on teratogenic effects of this drug on rat newborn is aim here.
Materials and Methods. First the male and female rats are left in one place to mate. The day on wich the vaginal plaque is formed...
Prevalence of Cryptosporium spp. infection in some dairy herds of Mashhad(Iran) and its association with diarrhea in newborn calves
statistically significant for age groups 1–7
and also 8–14 day-old calves. These results indicate that in
these industrial dairy farms in Mashhad, infections by
Cryptosporidium should be considered as a potential cause
for newborn...
Trustworthy communications in Vehicular Ad Hoc NETworks
An Effigy of the Newborn
پيکرکی همسانِ نوزاد
پس از زاده شدن رستم با آن کیفیت خاص که در شاهنامه آمده است، پیکرکی (عروسکی) از نوزاد از پرنیان درست میکنند و بر چهرۀ او نقش ناهید و مهر مینگارند، بر بازوانش اژدهایی تصویر میکنند و به دست او چیزی همانند چنگال شیر میدهند. ...
Antimicrobial resistance and K99 (F5) gene possession in generic Escherichia coli isolated from different age groups of diarrheic and non-diarrheic newborn dairy calves in Mashhad, Iran
Objectives: This study was conducted to describe antimicrobial resistance in fecal generic Escherichia coli isolated from newborn dairy calves and also to investigate relationship between antimicrobial resistance and possession of K99 gene by E...
Maternal diabetes proliferate the choroid plexusand and enlarge the lateral ventricle in brain of newborn rats
Maternal diabetes proliferate the choroid plexusand and enlarge the lateral ventricle in brain of newborn rats...