Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Clothing Extraction Using Region-Based Segmentation and Pixel-Level Refinement
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Protection of microgrid through coordinated directional over-current relays
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Design and implementation of a low-cost laser Parkinson's Walker with safety and energy saving features
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
GasNet: Efficient Residential Building Gas Leak Monitoring via Opportunistic Networking
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Detection and Removal of Muscle Artifacts from Scalp EEG Recordings in Patients with Epilepsy
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
LTF: A Model-Based Load Testing Framework for Web Applications
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Data management update for the integrated ocean observing system (IOOS®)
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Coupled mechanical and electrochemical characterization method for battery materials
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
The ChipCflow: A Tool to Generate Hardware Accelerators Using a Static Dataflow Machine Designed for a FPGA
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Spectral Clustering for Medical Imaging
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014