Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Polymer-based flexible capacitive pressure sensor for non-invasive medical monitoring applications
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) technology acceptance by healthcare professionals in South Africa
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Compact slot antenna for ultra-wide band applications
Publisher: IET
Year: 2014
Dual-polarised cavity-backed annular slot antenna of compact structure
Publisher: IET
Year: 2014
Triple band-notched ultra-wideband antenna using a pair of novel symmetrical resonators
Publisher: IET
Year: 2014
Program Committee
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Comparative analysis of digital predistorters of communication systems' transmission paths
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Efficient delta synchronization algorithm in mobile cloud networks
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Comparison and implementation of motion detection methods for sperm detection and tracking
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014