Now showing items 1-10 of 2091
Where is the boundary of knowledge sharing? Identifying Knowledge sharing Criteria
This paper aims to identifying knowledge sharing criteria. For this purpose, the conditions under which knowledge sharing are likely to occur was studied from employee's viewpoints. The general result from this study is that employees assume privacy...
Evaluating Dimensions of Social Capital and its Role in Improving Knowledge Management (Case of Robaat Karim Municipality)
The present study, due to the role and importance of the social capital and the
knowledge management which have been considered as the key resources of an
organization, has tried to elaborate on these two intangible assets...
Knowledge Creation in Nursing Education
In today’s society, knowledge is recognized as a valuable social asset and the educational system is in search of a new strategy that allows them to construct their knowledge and experience. The purpose of this study was to explore the process...
The mediating role of organizational learning and knowledge integration on the relationship between knowledge characteristics and organizational innovation (Case Study: Iran Marine Industrial Company)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between knowledge characteristics and organizational innovation with mediating role of organizational learning and knowledge integration. In this regard, staff and managers of Sadra (Iran...
The Role of Motivation, Ability, and Opportunity in Achieving Effective Knowledge-Work: Knowledge Work and MAO
This study aims to empirically test the impact of the Motivation-Ability-Opportunity- (MAO) model on
knowledge work. We propose that knowledge work is a function of employees’ motivation, ability and
opportunity. In this regard...
Roles of Linguistic Knowledge, Metacognitive Knowledge and Metacognitive Strategy Use In Speaking and Listening Proficiency of Iranian EFL Learners
This study examined the influence of language knowledge, metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive strategy use on
speaking and listening proficiency. Ninety six freshman and sophomore Iranian university students (male=6...
A test structure of bypass diodes for on-chip high-voltage silicon photovoltaic cell array
Evaluating the prior knowledge of toxoplasmosis among students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
are also important as a source of food for humans and their infection increases the zoonotic risk of this disease (8). One of the most useful preventive measures for toxoplasmosisis improving the knowledge of the public about this disease, particularly...