Now showing items 1-10 of 493
Optimal multi level supersaturated designs through integer programming
An Integer Programming-Based Local Search for the Covering Salesman Problem
We consider a generalized version of the well known Traveling Salesman Problem called Covering Salesman problem. In this problem, we are given a set of vertices while each vertex i can cover a subset of vertices within its ...
Locating Potential Bicycle Links and Budget-Based Prioritization Utilizing Sensitivity Analysis: A Case Study
potential links for bicycle lanes are specified. A model that incorporated integer programming was proposed so that potential links could be ranked considering various budgets using sensitivity analyses. In other words, variables are ranked based on indices...
Optimal unit commitment using equivalent linear minimum up and down time constraints
An optimal unit commitment for electric spot markets is presented in this paper. Unit commitment is a mixed integer and non-linear and complex combinatorial optimization problem which is difficult to be solved for large-scale ...
Optimal selection of project portfolios using reinvestment strategy within a flexible time horizon
to optimize three issues: combination of projects, schedule of the selected projects and the time horizon. An integer program is presented and discussed to address the given issues....
B-sheet Topology Prediction Using Probability-based Integer Programming
, to determine the β-strand
pairwise alignment probability more accurately, a dynamic programming approach is utilized. In addition, the integer programming optimization is combined with the probabilities of β-strand pairwise interactions to determine...
A bi-objective MIP model for facility layout problem in uncertain environment
are introduced which are called length and width deviation coefficients. According to these parameters, a definition for layout in uncertain environment is presented and a mixed integer programming (MIP) model is developed. Moreover, two new objective functions...
A limited resource assignment problem with shortage in the fire department
the limited available resources to fire stations such that the associated penalties of the shortages are minimized. Here, we first give a mathematical approach to consider some penalties for the shortage. Next, we give an integer program to minimize the sum...
A New Equivalent Linear Mixed-Integer Expression Model of the Unit Commitment Problem with Minimum Operating Units
Abstract – Unit commitment (UC) is a very significant optimization task. The unit commitment problem (UCP) involves the energy dispatch cost minimization in the competitive electric power market over a given scheduling ...