Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Assessment the lethal dosage of bacterial toxins for designing a series of novel immunotoxins
Year: 2016
Cancer which is the result of unusual growth of abnormal cell and the extension of them to
other parts of the body, considered as the major challenges of health in human societies.
These kinds of diseases ...
Assessment the lethal dosage of bacterial toxins for designing a series of novel immunotoxins
Year: 2016
Cancer which is the result of unusual growth of abnormal cell and the extension of them to other parts of the body, considered as the major challanges of health in human societies. Theses kinds of diseases could be diagnosed, ...
Evidences of the present of the promoter like elements into the non-coding regions of the human coagulation factor VIII gene
Year: 2016
Accurate prediction of the Cis-regulatory elements encoded within DNA sequences
throughout the genomes and in different regions of a gene is a crucial step towards
understanding the regulatory mechanism of ...