Now showing items 1-10 of 81
Impact of non-quasi-static effects on 1/f<sup>3</sup> phase noise in a 1.9-to-2.6 GHz oscillator
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
On the extraction of the external drain and source resistors and effective channel length in Si-MOSFET
Year: 2015
are considered. The parameters include gate voltage dependency, short channel effects, and poly gate length dependency. The results presented here are not only very useful for accurate device modeling and characterization, but are also vital to better...
Reducing Short Channel Effects in Dual Gate SOI-MOSFETs with a Drain Dependent Gate Bias
Year: 2010
In this paper we propose a new dual gate SOI-MOSFET in order to reduce short-channel effects (SCEs). In the proposed structure, the bias of the second gate which is near the drain is dependent on the drain voltage. To ...
An extended drain current conductance extraction method and its application to DRAM support and array devices
Year: 2009
In this paper an extended drain-current conductance method is introduced, which can be used for extraction of separated drain and source resistors, forward and reversed modes carrier mobilities and effective channel length ...
Review and prospects of research on risk assessment of power system
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Reliable ALU design with optimized voltage and implementation on 28nm FPGA
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Improved performance CMUT-on-CMOS devices using ALD hafnium oxide insulation layer
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Large-Swing a-IGZO Inverter With a Depletion Load Induced by Laser Annealing
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Mobile technology and Gamification: The future is now!
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014