Now showing items 1-10 of 788
Double Derivations, Higher Double Derivations and Automatic Continuity
Let be a Banach algebra. Let , be linear mappings on . First we
demonstrate a theorem concerning the continuity of double derivations; especially
that all of ( , ) -double derivations are continuous on semi-simple Banach...
Double Derivations
We introduce double derivations and study some algebraic and automatic ar operatorsse linecontinuity of the...
A characterization of higher derivations on Banach algebras
Let A be a Banach algebra and let every module-valued derivation from A to any Banach A-bimodule be continuous. We show that if {dm} is a higher derivation from A to a Banach algebra B with continuous d0, then there exist a continuous left A...
Characterization of Higher Derivations on Algebras
Let A be an algebra. A sequence d_n of linear mappings on A is called a higher derivation if d_n(ab)=\\\\sum_{k=1}^n d_k(a)d_{n-k}(b). In this paper we give a characterization of higher...
Modules, annihilators and module derivations of JB * -algebras
In this paper we study modules and module derivations of JB*-algebras. We prove some results for annihilators of submodules, and we also prove the continuity of module derivations of JB*-algebras to Banach Jordan modules in certain cases which is a...
Double derivations on C*-algebras
Let mathcal{A} be an algebra and
delta, varepsilon: mathcal{A} to mathcal{A} be linear mappings. We say that a linear
mapping d: mathcal{A} to mathcal{A} is a
( delta, varepsilon) -double derivation if
Let A be an algebra. A sequence d = {dn}∞
n=0 of linear operators on A is called a higher derivation if d0 is the identity mapping on A and
dn(xy) = Pn
k=0 dk(x)dn−k(y), for each n = 0, 1, 2, . . . and x, y ∈ A. We say that
a higher...
Prime higher derivations on algebras
Let A be an algebra. A sequence {d_n} of linear mappings
from A into P A is called a higher derivation if d_n(ab) = sum_k=0^n d_k(a) d_{n−k}(b) for each a, b in A and each nonnegative integer...
Characterizations of higher and ternary higher derivations
Two characterizations for higher derivations on commutative algebras and higher ternary derivations on ternary algebras are given. In particular, we show that a sequence $\\{h_{n}\\}_{n=0}^{\\infty}$ of linear mappings on a ternary algebra...
Generalized higher derivations are sequences of generalized derivations
Let A and B be two algebras. In this paper we give a characterization
of generalized higher derivations (Jordan generalized higher derivations) from A to B
in terms of generalized derivations (Jordan generalized derivations) on B under...