Now showing items 1-10 of 123
Optimal Operation of a CO2 Capturing Plant for a Wide Range of Disturbances
flue gas flowrate coming from the power plant) change over the expected operating window.Dynamic simulation of the process is used to design the control layer and implement the final control structures for different regions. In the dynamic mode, first...
Singular Value Decomposition as a Measure for Control Structure Design in Power Systems
Singular Value Decomposition as a Measure for Control Structure Design in Power Systems...
Optimal operation of a three-product dividing-wall column with self-optimizing control structure design
This paper deals with optimal operation of a three-product dividing-wall column (DWC). The main idea is to design a control structure, through a systematic procedure for plantwide control, with an objective to achieve desired product purities...
Dynamic Simulation and Control of Vapor Recompression Column
was investigated. For this purpose a control structure with five control loops; two levels, one pressure and two compositions; was selected. The results of dynamic simulation showed that low interaction exists between the composition control loops and the selected...