Now showing items 1-10 of 3644
Multi-Area Load Frequency Control in a Deregulated Power System Using Optimal Output Feedback Method
Multi-Area Load Frequency Control in a Deregulated Power System Using Optimal Output Feedback Method...
Investigation of Hyrcanian Relic Elements of Mountainus Ecosystem of Darkesh area in Northern Khorassan Province,Iran
Investigation of Hyrcanian Relic Elements of Mountainus Ecosystem of Darkesh area in Northern Khorassan Province,Iran...
When smaller is better: Leaf hydraulic conductance and drought vulnerability correlate to leaf size and venation density across four Coffea arabica genotypes
Trends in socio economic inequalities in injury mortality among men in small areas of 26 Spanish cities, 1996–2007
Exploring factors contributing to injury severity at freeway merging and diverging locations in Ohio
Cutaneous leishmaniasis in the patients refered to medical laboratories in Mashhad, Iran
utaneous leishmaniasis is an important parasitic disease in tropical and subtropical areas . There are many nidus in different areas of Iran, such as Khorasan Razavi Province The first step to control of each disease is to determine of risk factors...
The Prevalence of Behavioral Problems Among Primary School Children in Outskirts of Mashhad City, Iran
Background: Planning to decrease mental health problems in children requires knowledge of the extent and type of behavioral problems in this age group. Given that children comprise a large proportion of the population in the outskirt areas of cities...
Area-Efficient Low-Cost Low-Dropout Regulators Using MOS Capacitors
Traditional design o f low-dropout regulators offers the use of metal-insulator-metal (MIM) Mcompensation capacitors to prevent instability in the absence of load capacitor with equivalent series resistance (ESR). In addition to area efficiency...