Now showing items 1-10 of 167
The Similarity Measure between Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets based on the Intersection of their FOUs
This paper presents a similarity measure for interval type-2 fuzzy sets based on the intersection of the footprint of uncertainty. We also established the closed-form of the proposed similarity measures for Gaussian interval type-2 fuzzy sets...
An Analytical Formula for Similarity Measure between Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets with Gaussian Primary Membership Function and Uncertain Standard Deviation
Different similarity measures for type-2 fuzzy sets have heen proposed in the literature. However, there are not analytIcal formulas for them. In this paper, an extension of Jaccard\\'s similarity measure for type-2 fuzzy...
Co-segmentation of multiple similar images using saliency detection and region merging
Ultraviolet pulse broadening in non-line-of-sight communication system
A Novel Fault-Location Method for HVDC Transmission Lines Based on Similarity Measure of Voltage Signals
In this paper, a method for fault locating in HVDC transmission lines is proposed which only uses the voltage signal measured at one of the line terminals. The post-fault voltage signal, in a relatively short time window, ...
Rule Base Simplification by Using a Similarity Measures of Fuzzy Sets
of Trapezoidal membership functions is derived in order to merge similar membership functions and hence to obtain a more transparent rule-base with a minimum number of membership functions. A simplification algorithm by using the proposed similarity measure has...