Now showing items 1-10 of 58
Individual control of narrowband noise with disturbance
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Evaluation of control strategies for spacecraft electrostatic formation keeping
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Comparison of Silicon and Chalcogenide-based Chip-scale All-optical 2R Regenerators
Year: 2011
An optical, 2R regenerator based on self phase modulation (SPM) spectral broadening, combining a 4 μm wide rib waveguide and a surface relief Bragg grating, both written on a 5 cm-long Si chip is proposed and theoretically analyzed. Because...
Integrated all-optical regenerator on a silicon chip using a phase-shifted Bragg grating as the band pass filter
Year: 2012
An optical 2R regenerator based on self phase modulation (SPM) spectral broadening on a 4 μm-wide and 5 cm long silicon (Si) rib waveguide is proposed and theoretically analyzed. The phase- shifted Bragg grating written on this proposed waveguide...
Automated indoor RFID inventorying using a self-guided micro-aerial vehicle
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Indicator Cokriging-Based Subpixel Land Cover Mapping With Shifted Images
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
A 8-bit SAR ADC using current mode approach for bio-medical applications
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014