Now showing items 1-10 of 193
Big data in Geohazard; pattern mining and large scale analysis of landslides in Iran
homogeneous regions using the Contextual Neural Gas (CNG) algorithm. Next, their underlying driving forces were ranked using the Random Forest (RF) algorithm at country and cluster levels. Our results indicate that the mechanisms for landslide occurrence...
Random Forests approach for identifying additive and epistatic single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with residual feed intake in dairy cattle
A new variable selection approach using Random Forests
Limit laws for UGROW random graphs
Bootstrap—An exploration
An applied statistical method to identify desertification indicators in northeastern Iran
algorithm including regression trees and random forest techniques for determining main factors affecting desertification based on ESAs in Taybad-Bakharz region at northeastern Iran.
Results: The results indicated a significant correlation between...
Fault Locating in High Voltage Transmission Lines Based on Harmonic Components of One-end Voltage Using Random Forests
Transform (DFT) and are normalized by a transformation. The proposed fault locator, which is designed based on Random Forests (RF) algorithm, is trained based on these normalized harmonic components. RF algorithm has the capability of learning patterns...