Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Critical Analysis and Teachers’ Perspectives on Prospect One (Iranian Junior High School English Book
, among other objectives, is trying to promote learners’ communicative competences in English. Considering the crucial role of textbooks in ELT program, this study aimed to investigate that to what extent Prospect 1 (the first volume of the above mentioned...
Exploring English Language Learning Policies in Iran Based on Secondary School Course Books for Learning English in Light of Globalization and Culture
in the materials and books used for learning English. Thus, the focus of this study was to explore the language learning policy of the new Iranian English course book at high schools, Prospect 1, recently published and taught for a year in Iran, in light...
A Critical Evaluation of Prospect One: Iranian Junior High School English Book
, this study aimed to investigate: a) to what extent Prospect 1 had the characteristics of a CLT curriculum, b) What the strengths and weaknesses of this newly published book were c) How the instructors teaching the book evaluated its practicality; and d) How...