Now showing items 1-10 of 20
Finite skew mixture models for estimation of positive false discovery rates
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2013
Consistency adjusted alpha allocation methods for a time to event analysis of composite endpoints
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2014
Smoothing of stepwise multiple testing procedures
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2014
Bayesian comparison of models with inequality and equality constraints
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2014
Gaussian graphical model estimation with false discovery rate control
Publisher: The Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Year: 2013
An expected power approach for the assessment of composite endpoints and their components
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2013
A new variable selection approach using Random Forests
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2013
A sufficient criterion for control of some generalized error rates in multiple testing
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2014
Adaptive linear step up multiple testing procedure with the bias reduced estimator
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2014