Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Creatine Kinase Levels During Preseason Camp in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Football Athletes.
Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Year: 2014
Profiling the time course changes in neuromuscular function and muscle damage over two consecutive tournament stages in elite rugby sevens players
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2014
Small Molecule Inhibitors in Veterinary Oncology Practice
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2014
Does intermittent pneumatic leg compression enhance muscle recovery after strenuous eccentric exercise?
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers
Year: 2013
Effects of marathon running on cardiac markers and endothelin 1 in EIH athletes
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers
Year: 2013
Periparturient dairy cows do not exhibit hepatic insulin resistance, yet adipose specific insulin resistance occurs in cows prone to high weight loss
Publisher: American Dairy Science Association
Year: 2013
Changes in serum fast and slow skeletal troponin I concentration following maximal eccentric contractions
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2013
Early increased expression of a cyclin dependant protein kinase (LtCDKA1;1) during inflorescence initiation of the long day grass Lolium temulentum
Publisher: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Publishing
Year: 2013
Do dominant and non dominant arms respond similarly to maximal eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors?
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2013
Changes in serum fast and slow skeletal troponin I concentration following maximal eccentric contractions
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2013