Now showing items 1-10 of 133
Biogeography and hotspots of mammalian species of Iran: implications to reserve selection and conservation
in Iran. The geographical distribution and species richness maps of mammalian species of Iran were analysed by Geographical Information System (GIS). The hotspots were defined as the richness cells in number of species in a global equal-area grid cell map...
Comparative analysis of the spatial analysis methods for hotspot identification
Hotspots identification and ranking for road safety improvement: An alternative approach
A fixed sublithospheric source for the late Neogene track of the Yellowstone hotspot: Implications of the Heise and Picabo volcanic fields
Eurasian house mouse (Mus musculus L.) differentiation at microsatellite loci identifies the Iranian plateau as a phylogeographic hotspot
Background: The phylogeography of the house mouse (Mus musculus L.), an emblematic species for genetic and biomedical studies, is only partly understood, essentially because of a sampling bias towards its most peripheral ...
Prediction of Oil Hotspot Temperature in a Distribution Transformer by CFD Method
the transformer and to obtain the hotspot temperature. Simulation of the convective heat transfer of the transformer was implemented by ANSYS FLUENT, along with ANSYS ICEM for meshing the whole geometry. Moreover, the accuracy of the numerical model...
Seedling mortality during biphasic drought in sandy Mediterranean soils
The roles of environmental factors on reptile richness in Iran
Iran is usually considered as a bridge between Oriental and African zoogeographical region, and also the 20th global biodiversity hotspot. Herpetofauna of the Iranian Plateau has a high diversity compared to other areas in the region and has always...
Environmental impacts modeling of Iranian peach production
The environmental hazard is a major concern in Iran. On the other hand, agriculture plays a key role in environmental impacts in this country, because this sector is both a producer and consumer of energy as well as it can ...