Now showing items 1-10 of 19
posynomial geometric programming with interval fuzzy parameters
This paper discusses the interval fuzzy Geometric Programming problems where
the exponents of decision variables in the objective function ,the cost and the constraint coefficients,
and right-hand sides are interval fuzzy data...
. In this paper, first we use the Dp,q -distance for the point estimation of process capability index Cpm based on fuzzy data and use this estimation for constructing confidence interval for Cpm and present a membership function for Cpm. A numerical example has...
Fuzzy Bayesian Classification of LR Fuzzy Numbers
Fuzzy data is considered as an imprecise type of
data with a source of uncertainty. Fuzzy numbers allow us to
model uncertainty of data in an easy way which justifies the
increasing interest on theoretical and practical aspects...
Mining Fuzzy Temporal Itemsets Within Various Time Intervals In Quantitative Datasets
This research aims at proposing a new method for discovering frequent temporal itemsets in continuous subsets of a dataset with quantitative transactions. It is important to note that although these temporal itemsets may ...
Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test in fuzzy environment
, first, a new method for ranking fuzzy numbers using Dp;q metric was proposed. We used this metric for separating fuzzy data to separate classes and then placed fuzzy data in certain classes. Then, we have defined an extension of the empirical...
Fisher over Fuzzy Samples
Abstract— One of the main problems when handling the real
world problems is the uncertainty degree of input data.
Uncertainty factor can be a result of random variables
existence, incomplete or inaccurate ...
Fuzzy clustering Algorithm for fuzzy data based on alpha-cuts
This paper presents fuzzy clustering algorithm for fuzzy data
based on alpha-cuts. A new suitable definition for distance
between two arbitrary fuzzy numbers based on alpha-cuts is
proposed. We then reformulate fuzzy c...
A new Tree Clustering Algorithm for Fuzzy Data Based on Alphs-Cuts
This paper presents a new approach to clustering fuzzy data, called Extensional Tree (ET) clustering algorithm by defining a dendrogram over fuzzy data and using a new metric between fuzzy numbers based on α-cuts. All the similar previous methods...
A New Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm on Fuzzy Data (FHCA)
tree with inconsistency coefficient or other useful measures. All
the similar previous methods extended FCM (Fuzzy Clustering
Method) to support fuzzy data. On contrary, the present work
is based on hierarchical method...