Now showing items 1-10 of 50
A survey of the effect of trade openness size on inflation rate in Iran using ARDL
in this study. The results show that this variable has negative
significant effect on inflation through this period. Other control variables i.e. Growth of
Liquidity, exchange rate and output gap affect inflation in the expected directions....
Application of ANFIS to exchange rate forecasting
The need of exchange rate forecasting in order to preventing its disruptive movements has
engrossed many policy-makers and economists for many years. The determinants of exchange rate have grown
manifold making its behavior complex...
Estimating standard errors in regular vine copula models
SCOMDY models based on pair copula constructions with application to exchange rates
Compartion of ANFIS, ANN, GARCH and ARIMA Techniques to Exchange Rate Forecasting
The need of exchange rate forecasting in order to preventing its disruptive movements has engrossed many policy makers and economists for many years....
Exchange Rate Impacts on Investment of Manufacturing Sectors in Iran
As a major factor in the development process and economic policies evaluation, investment and its growth rate have been considered in many studies. This paper examines the relationship between changes in exchange rate and the investment...
Soft computing approach for predictive blood glucose management using a fuzzy neural network
Trade Liberalization, Exchange Rate and Tax Revenue in Iran
rate changes on fiscal outcomes. The relationship between trade liberalization, the exchange rate, and tax revenue is therefore an issue of great practical importance. This paper examines this relationship in Iran. We perform Pesaran and Shin method...
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on export of medicinal plants using the ARDL approach
Considering the high potential production plants in Iran and global demand for buying
this product and its high export value, export share of these plants can be increase
among the non- oil exports. In this regard exchange rate can...