Now showing items 1-10 of 26
Depicting ELT in Light of Emo-sensory Education
the significance of this interplay, emo-sensory education (ESE) is proposed to bring sensory emotions to the forefront of education. ESE is based on the assumption that teachers should be aware of sense-induced emotions in class, striving to monitor and manage them...
Can emo-sensory intelligence inform L2 instruction
Following the introduction of intelligence by psychologists, a number of theories of intelligence, including intelligence quotient (IQ), , emotional quotient (EQ), and sensory quotient (SQ) have been proposed to illuminate ...
Emo-Sensory Expression at the Crossroads of Emotion, Sense, and Language: A Case of Color-Emotion Associations
, and no emotion. The overall results revealed that 10 major themes can account for idiosyncratic variations in expressing color emotions. Culture, age, and education were found to impact individuals’ emo-sensory expressions. In the end, based on the findings...
Emotioncy-Based Language Instruction: A Key to Enhancing EFL Learners' Vocabulary Retention
through the exvolvement level as what is currently practiced in language classrooms. Finally, drawing on the concepts of emotioncy, emo-sensory quotient, embodied cognition, and multisensory learning, the study elaborates on the value of senses in evoking...
Trends in the predictive performance of raw ensemble weather forecasts
Introducing the Concept of Emo-sensory Capital and its Impacts on Second Language Teaching
معرفی مفهوم «سرمایه هیجانی- حسی» و بررسی تأثیرات آن در آموزش زبان دوم
«سرمایه» یکی از مفاهیم مهم جامعهشناسی است که نشان میدهد چگونه ساختارهای عینی جامعه (قواعد اجتماعی، هنجارها، نقشها، نهادها و ابزارهای فرهنگی) میتوانند بر ساختارهای ذهنی افراد و رفتارهای اجتماعی آنان تأثیر بگذارند. ...