Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Effects of curcumin supplementation on exercise induced oxidative stress in humans
Evaluating the effectiveness of two bovine mastitis vaccines and their influences on oxidant and antioxidant capacities of milk
The aim of the current study was to investigate the efficacy of two commercial mastitis vaccines (Startvac® and Mastivac®) and
their influence on oxidant and antioxidant capacities of milk samples in a dairy farm. A total of 165 Holstein dairy...
Metabolism and nutrition:effects of low ambient temperatures and dietary vitamin c supplement on growth performance, blood parameters, and antioxidant capacity of 21 day old broilers
Phenolic profle and antioxidant activity of Pistacia vera var. Sarakhs hull and kernel extracts: the influence of different solvents
Iran is among the main exporters of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.). Thus, evaluation of phytochemical properties of this product
is of crucial importance. In this study, effects of three types of solvents namely, polar ...
Phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of Pistacia vera var. Sarakhs hull and kernel extracts: the influence of different solvents
Iran is among the main exporters of pistachio -Pistacia vera L.-. Thus, evaluation of phytochemical properties of this product is of crucial importance. In this study, effects of three types of solvents namely, polar protic ...
Proteomics study reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying water stress tolerance induced by Piriformospora indica in barley
, antioxidative defense system and energy transport. We propose
that P. indica-mediated drought stress tolerance in barely is through photosynthesis
stimulation, energy releasing and enhanced antioxidative capacity in colonized plants....