Now showing items 1-10 of 82
A Novel Downlink Handover Priority Scheduling Algorithm for Providing Seamless Mobility and QoS in IEEE802.16e BWA System
Year: 2009
power degradation rates into consideration, this
algorithm assigns higher priority to the users who have
higher speeds. A priority based AMC (Adaptive
Modulation and Coding) is also performed for better
performance. The analysis results...
Adaptive QoS scheduling in wireless cellular networks
Year: 2010
Quality of service (QoS) has been always
controversial in resource shared networks. Scheduling as a
packet prioritizing mechanism at Data Link Layer (DLL)
contributes to QoS guarantee provisioning ...
A proximal gradient algorithm for tracking cascades over networks
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Near-Zero-Index Metamaterial Lens Combined With AMC Metasurface for High-Directivity Low-Profile Antennas
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Optimized Distributed Automatic Modulation Classification in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Information Theoretic Measures
Year: 2017
Automatic modulation classification of digital signals is essential for intelligent communication systems. This paper addresses the distributed classification of digital amplitude-phase modulated signals in a system of ...
SWU-OFDB: A database for occluded face detection research
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
[Blank page]
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
First demonstration of silicon-based parallel-fed travelling-wave photodetector array (TWPDA)
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Normalized Worm-hole Local Intrusion Detection Algorithm(NWLIDA)
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Smaller units
Publisher: IET
Year: 2014