Now showing items 1-10 of 37
Multi decadal trends in the advection and mixing of natural carbon in the Southern Ocean
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2013
Where is mineral ballast important for surface export of particulate organic carbon in the ocean?
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Year: 2014
Natural iron fertilization by the Eyjafjallajأ¶kull volcanic eruption
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2013
Estuarine removal of glacial iron and implications for iron fluxes to the ocean
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Year: 2014
Phytoplankton plasticity drives large variability in carbon fixation efficiency
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Year: 2014
Gypsum crystals observed in experimental and natural sea ice
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2013
Production of methanol, acetaldehyde, and acetone in the Atlantic Ocean
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2013
Carbonate dissolution rates at the deep ocean floor
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2013