Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Mathematical modelling and experimental study of a solar distillation system
The production of potable water from saltwater or brackish water using solar distillation
has been practised for many years in different parts of the world. However, little attention
has been paid to the ...
Mathematical simulation of convective drying: Spatially distributed temperature and moisture in carrot slab
A one-dimensional unsteady state mathematical model of coupled heat and mass transfer equations is
developed to simulate the convective drying of individual food. The semi-analytical proposed solution
method ...
Mathematical modeling of convective drying: Lumped temperature and spatially distributed moisture in slab
The present study describes the modeling and simulation of the drying process. The model considers
fundamentals of the drying process and takes internal resistance to moisture into account. The main
connotation ...
Optimal Camera Placement Using Sine-Cosine Algorithm
In optimal design of monitoring systems, maximizing the coverage and quality at a minimum cost, the proper positioning of cameras is an important issue and the quality of the image extraction features or the detection of ...