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date accessioned2020-03-12T19:58:32Z
date available2020-03-12T19:58:32Z
date issued2014
identifier other6843702.pdf
identifier uri
titleTable of contents
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8117115
subject keywordscomplex networks
subject keywordsneurocontrollers
subject keywordsrecurrent neural nets
subject keywordsrobust control
subject keywordscomplex dynamical network
subject keywordscomplex network
subject keywordsidentification strategy
subject keywordsrecurrent high order neural network
subject keywordsrecurrent neural network
subject keywordsrobust pinning control
subject keywordsrobust regulation behavior
subject keywordsunknown coupling strength
subject keywordsunknown pinned nodes dynamics
subject keywordsBiological neural networks
subject keywordsComplex networks
subject keywordsCouplings
subject keywordsIntegrated circuit modeling
subject keywordsRecurrent neural networks
subject keywordsSymmetric matrices
identifier doi10.1109/CICA.2014.7013236
journal titleontrol Conference (ICCC), 2014 15th International Carpathian

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