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contributor authorBaumgarten, Johannes , Kuerner, Thomas
date accessioned2020-03-12T19:57:56Z
date available2020-03-12T19:57:56Z
date issued2014
identifier other6843094.pdf
identifier uri
titleLTE Downlink Link-Level Abstraction for System-Level Simulations
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8116691
subject keywordsdischarges (electric)
subject keywordsluminescence
subject keywordsplasma diagnostics
subject keywordsplasma shock waves
subject keywordsplasma sources
subject keywordswater
subject keywordsH<
subject keywordssub>
subject keywords2<
subject keywords/sub>
subject keywordsO
subject keywordsSchlieren imaging
subject keywordsapplied pulse amplitude
subject keywordsdeionized water
subject keywordsfall time
subject keywordshighly nonuniform electric field effect
subject keywordsinitiation mechanism
subject keywordsinterelectrode gap
subject keywordslaser schlieren technique
subject keywordsliquid water
subject keywordsnanosecond duration pulses
subject keywordsnanosecond high voltage pulsing
subject keywordsnanosecond pulsed discharge
subject keywordsoptical emission spectroscopy
subject keywordsperturbation size
subject keywordspin electrode tip area
subject keywordspin-to-plane
identifier doi10.1109/PLASMA.2014.7012629
journal titleuropean Wireless 2014; 20th European Wireless Conference; Proceedings of

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