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contributor authorBhoir, V. , Potey, M.A.
date accessioned2020-03-12T19:45:19Z
date available2020-03-12T19:45:19Z
date issued2014
identifier other6814704.pdf
identifier uri
titleQuestion answering system: A heuristic approach
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8105016
subject keywordsAquaculture
subject keywordsHolography
subject keywordsImage reconstruction
subject keywordsMicroorganisms
subject keywordsMicroscopy
subject keywordsOptical microscopy
subject keywordsUnderwater vehicles
subject keywordsHoloflow@Sea
subject keywordsbehaviour
subject keywordsdiatom chain
subject keywordsdigital holographic microscopy
subject keywordsdinoflagellate
subject keywordsdynamics
subject keywordsecosystemic approach
subject keywordsfisheries management
subject keywordsmarine aggregate
subject keywordsphase image
subject keywordsphytoplankton
subject keywordssmall pelagics
subject keywordsspecies identification
subject keywordsupwelling region
subject keywordszooplankton
identifier doi10.1109/OCEANS-TAIPEI.2014.6964569
journal titlepplications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT), 2014 Fifth International Conferen

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