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contributor authorAdak, C.
date accessioned2020-03-12T19:43:31Z
date available2020-03-12T19:43:31Z
date issued2014
identifier other6808033.pdf
identifier uri
titleA bilingual machine translation system: English & Bengali
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8103654
subject keywordsSCADA systems
subject keywordsartificial intelligence
subject keywordscondition monitoring
subject keywordselectrical maintenance
subject keywordsfault diagnosis
subject keywordsneural nets
subject keywordswind turbines
subject keywordsAI method
subject keywordsANN model
subject keywordsSCADA data
subject keywordsartificial intelligence
subject keywordsartificial neural network
subject keywordsasset management
subject keywordscondition monitoring systems
subject keywordsfault prognosis
subject keywordsmaintenance management
subject keywordsself evolving neural network based algorithm
subject keywordssupervisory control and data acquisition system
subject keywordswind turbine components
subject keywordsArtificial neural networks
subject keywordsData models
subject keywordsTemperature distribution
subject keywordsTempera
identifier doi10.1109/PMAPS.2014.6960603
journal titleutomation, Control, Energy and Systems (ACES), 2014 First International Conference on

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