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contributor authorGupta, U. , Sharma, J. , Wanchoo, R.K.
date accessioned2020-03-12T19:39:55Z
date available2020-03-12T19:39:55Z
date issued2014
identifier other6799566.pdf
identifier uri
titleThermosolutal convection in a horizontal nanofluid layer: Introduction of oscillatory motions
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8101061
subject keywordsdigital signal processing chips
subject keywordselectric current control
subject keywordsmachine vector control
subject keywordsmagnetic flux
subject keywordspermanent magnet generators
subject keywordspower factor
subject keywordssynchronous generators
subject keywordswind turbines
subject keywordsPMSG rotor spatial position
subject keywordsTMS320F28335 DSP
subject keywordsUPF control scheme
subject keywordsZDC control scheme
subject keywordsflux oriented vector control technique
subject keywordsflux reorientation
subject keywordsfrequency converter
subject keywordsgenerator rotor flux
subject keywordsgenerator stator flux vector
subject keywordsintegral computation
subject keywordsmutilpole permanent magnet synchronous generator
subject keywordsrotor flux oriented control
identifier doi10.1109/ITEC-AP.2014.6941171
journal titlengineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS), 2014 Recent Advances in

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