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date accessioned2020-03-12T19:31:34Z
date available2020-03-12T19:31:34Z
date issued2014
identifier other6754886.pdf
identifier uri
titleVideo Watermarking by Adjusting the Pixel Values and Using Scene Change Detection
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8094980
subject keywordscloud computing
subject keywordsenergy conservation
subject keywordsgrid computing
subject keywordspower aware computing
subject keywordsresource allocation
subject keywordsscheduling
subject keywordsvirtual machines
subject keywordsEAMOCA
subject keywordsSLA violation
subject keywordsVM migration
subject keywordsVMware
subject keywordsbio inspired energy-aware multiobjective Chiropteran algorithm
subject keywordsecho-localization
subject keywordsenergy conservation
subject keywordsenergy salvation
subject keywordsgrid computing
subject keywordshibernation properties
subject keywordshybrid cloud computing environment
subject keywordsload balancing
subject keywordsprivate cloud
subject keywordsresource allocation
subject keywordsresource scheduling
subject keywordstask scheduling
subject keywordsvirtual machines
subject keywordsAlgorithm design and
identifier doi10.1109/ICGCCEE.2014.6922463
journal titleignal and Image Processing (ICSIP), 2014 Fifth International Conference on
contributor rawauthorVenugopala, P.S. , Sarojadevi, H. , Chiplunkar, N.N. , Bhat, V.

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