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contributor authorNasri, Amin
contributor authorConejo, Antonio J.
contributor authorKazempour, S. Jalal
contributor authorGhandhari, M.
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:43:41Z
date available2020-03-12T18:43:41Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0885-8950
identifier other6728722.pdf
identifier uri
titleMinimizing Wind Power Spillage Using an OPF With FACTS Devices
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8002369
subject keywordsflexible AC transmission systems
subject keywordsload flow
subject keywordspower consumption
subject keywordspower markets
subject keywordspower system simulation
subject keywordsreactive power
subject keywordsstochastic programming
subject keywordswind power plants
subject keywordsFACTS device
subject keywordsIEEE RTS
subject keywordsOPF model
subject keywordsbalancing market
subject keywordsbus angle
subject keywordsflexible AC transmission system device
subject keywordsoptimal power flow model
subject keywordsoptimal reactive power output
subject keywordspower consumption
subject keywordssecond-stage representation
subject keywordstwo-stage stochastic programming model
subject keywordsvoltage magnitude
subject keywordswind power production uncertainty modeling
subject keywordswind power spillage minim
identifier doi10.1109/TPWRS.2014.2299533
journal titlePower Systems, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume29
journal issue5

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