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contributor authorAntier, Marie
contributor authorBourderionnet, Jerome
contributor authorLarat, Christian
contributor authorLallier, Eric
contributor authorLenormand, Eric
contributor authorPrimot, Jerome
contributor authorBrignon, Arnaud
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:42:38Z
date available2020-03-12T18:42:38Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1077-260X
identifier other6722895.pdf
identifier uri
titlekHz Closed Loop Interferometric Technique for Coherent Fiber Beam Combining
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8001712
subject keywordsclosed loop systems
subject keywordslaser beams
subject keywordslaser mode locking
subject keywordslaser stability
subject keywordslight interferometry
subject keywordsoptical fibre amplifiers
subject keywordsclosed loop interferometric technique
subject keywordsfiber channels
subject keywordshigh speed camera
subject keywordsinterferometric measurement
subject keywordslarge bandwidth active coherent fiber beam combining
subject keywordsphase locking stability
subject keywordsresidual phase error
subject keywordsstable close loop operation
subject keywordsBandwidth
subject keywordsCameras
subject keywordsLaser beams
subject keywordsMeasurement by laser beam
subject keywordsOptical fiber amplifiers
subject keywordsOptical fiber polarization
subject keywordsPhase measurement
subject keywordsFiber lasers
subject keywordsc
identifier doi10.1109/JSTQE.2014.2302444
journal titleSelected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of
journal volume20
journal issue5

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