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contributor authorSarkar, Anirban
contributor authorNikonov, Dmitri E.
contributor authorYoung, Ian /A/.
contributor authorBehin-Aein, Behtash
contributor authorDatta, Soupayan
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:35:35Z
date available2020-03-12T18:35:35Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1536-125X
identifier other6680683.pdf
identifier uri
titleCharge-Resistance Approach to Benchmarking Performance of Beyond-CMOS Information Processing Devices
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7997007
subject keywordsCMOS integrated circuits
subject keywordsPlanck constant
subject keywordsbenchmarking performance
subject keywordsbeyond-CMOS information processing device
subject keywordscharge-resistance approach
subject keywordsdynamic evolution characteristic
subject keywordsenergy-delay product
subject keywordsnoncharge-based device
subject keywordsperformance metric
subject keywordsCMOS integrated circuits
subject keywordsDelays
subject keywordsEquations
subject keywordsInformation processing
subject keywordsMagnetic devices
subject keywordsPerformance evaluation
subject keywordsSwitches
subject keywordsBenchmarking
subject keywordsbeyond-CMOS devices
subject keywordselectronic devices
subject keywordsenergy-delay
subject keywordsspintronic devices
identifier doi10.1109/TNANO.2013.2292796
journal titleNanotechnology, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume13
journal issue1

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