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contributor authorYingzhen Liu
contributor authorRonghai Qu
contributor authorJin Wang
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:33:57Z
date available2020-03-12T18:33:57Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1051-8223
identifier other6674059.pdf
identifier uri
titleComparative Analysis on Superconducting Direct-Drive Wind Generators With Iron Teeth and Air-Gap Winding
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7995796
subject keywordsfinite element analysis
subject keywordsiron
subject keywordsstators
subject keywordssuperconducting coils
subject keywordssuperconducting machines
subject keywordsFe
subject keywordsair-gap windings
subject keywordscogging torque
subject keywordscopper losses
subject keywordsdamping shell losses
subject keywordsferromagnetic materials
subject keywordsfinite element analysis software
subject keywordsgenerator stator
subject keywordsiron losses
subject keywordsiron teeth
subject keywordsmagnetic circuits
subject keywordspower 12 MW
subject keywordsreluctance
subject keywordsrotor
subject keywordssuperconducting coils
subject keywordssuperconducting direct-drive wind generators
subject keywordssuperconducting machines
subject keywordsvibrations
subject keywordswind energy
subject keywordsAir gaps
subject keywordsGenerators
subject keywordsIron
subject keywordsStator windings
subject keywordsTorque
subject keywordsWindings
identifier doi10.1109/TASC.2013.2292309
journal titleApplied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume24
journal issue3

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