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contributor authorHomayoun, Aliakbar
contributor authorRazavi, Behzad
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:33:54Z
date available2020-03-12T18:33:54Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9200
identifier other6672043.pdf
identifier uri
titleRelation Between Delay Line Phase Noise and Ring Oscillator Phase Noise
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7995764
subject keywordsCMOS integrated circuits
subject keywordsdelay lines
subject keywordsflicker noise
subject keywordsphase noise
subject keywordswhite noise
subject keywordsCMOS technology
subject keywordscompact equations
subject keywordsdelay line
subject keywordsfirst principles
subject keywordsflicker noise upconversion
subject keywordsopen-loop phase noise
subject keywordsoscillator prototypes
subject keywordsring oscillator
subject keywordssimple shaping function
subject keywordssize 65 nm
subject keywordswhite noise
subject keywordsDelay lines
subject keywordsInverters
subject keywordsJitter
subject keywordsLogic gates
subject keywordsPhase noise
subject keywordsRing oscillators
subject keywordsFlicker noise
subject keywordsinverter phase noise
subject keywordsjitter
subject keywordsoscillator phase noise
subject keywordsphase noise
subject keywordswhite noise
identifier doi10.1109/JSSC.2013.2289893
journal titleSolid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of
journal volume49
journal issue2

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