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contributor authorMeifang Xu
contributor authorWenhong Gao
contributor authorXuyuan Chen
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:32:48Z
date available2020-03-12T18:32:48Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1551-319X
identifier other6662420.pdf
identifier uri
titleLaser Speckle Reduction Using a Motionless Despeckle Element Based on Random Mie Scattering
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7995009
subject keywordsBrownian motion
subject keywordsMie scattering
subject keywordslaser beams
subject keywordsoptical projectors
subject keywordsspeckle
subject keywordsBrownian motion
subject keywordsdiluted milk
subject keywordshuman eye
subject keywordsintegration time
subject keywordsintensity superposition
subject keywordslaser projection systems
subject keywordslaser speckle contrast reduction
subject keywordslight pipe
subject keywordsmilk fat particle concentration
subject keywordsmotionless despeckle element
subject keywordsrandom Mie scattering
subject keywordssuspended particles
subject keywordstemporal averaging intensity
subject keywordsDairy products
subject keywordsEducational institutions
subject keywordsLaser beams
subject keywordsLasers
subject keywordsMie scattering
subject keywordsSpeckle
subject keywordsBrownian motion
subject keywordsSpeckle reduction
subject keywordsconcent
identifier doi10.1109/JDT.2013.2290695
journal titleDisplay Technology, Journal of
journal volume10
journal issue2

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