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contributor authorYinan Jing
contributor authorLing Hu
contributor authorWei-Shinn Ku
contributor authorShahabi, Cyrus
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:32:25Z
date available2020-03-12T18:32:25Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1041-4347
identifier other6658750.pdf
identifier uri
titleAuthentication of k Nearest Neighbor Query on Road Networks
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7994732
subject keywordscomputational geometry
subject keywordsoutsourcing
subject keywordsquery processing
subject keywordssmart phones
subject keywordsvisual databases
subject keywordsEuclidean space
subject keywordsGoogle Android mobile devices
subject keywordsVoronoi diagram
subject keywordsdatabase outsourcing paradigm
subject keywordsk nearest neighbor query
subject keywordslocation-based services
subject keywordsroad network k-nearest-neighbor query verification technique
subject keywordsspatial databases
subject keywordsspatial query integrity
subject keywordsthird-party service provider
subject keywordsArtificial neural networks
subject keywordsAuthentication
subject keywordsGenerators
subject keywordsOutsourcing
subject keywordsRoads
subject keywordsSpatial databases
subject keywordsSpatial database outsourcing
subject keywordslocat
identifier doi10.1109/TKDE.2013.174
journal titleKnowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume26
journal issue6

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