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contributor authorFietz, W.H.
contributor authorFink, S.
contributor authorFuhrmann, Uwe
contributor authorMuller, Rudolf
contributor authorUrbach, Elisabeth
contributor authorZwecker, V.
contributor authorBrummer, Andrea
contributor authorOberstarr, Reinhard
contributor authorWildner, Cornelia
contributor authorWimmer, Franz
contributor authorWoelfl, Kurt
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:32:06Z
date available2020-03-12T18:32:06Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1051-8223
identifier other6656871.pdf
identifier uri
titlePluggable 56 kV Instrumentation Feedthrough Prototypes for ITER Magnets
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7994533
subject keywordsTokamak devices
subject keywordscryostats
subject keywordsdata acquisition
subject keywordsprototypes
subject keywordssuperconducting magnets
subject keywordsITER magnets
subject keywordscryostat vacuum
subject keywordsdata acquisition system
subject keywordshigh voltage feedtrough
subject keywordspluggable instrumentation feedthrough prototype
subject keywordssuperconducting magnets
subject keywordsvoltage 35 kV
subject keywordsvoltage 56 kV
subject keywordsCoils
subject keywordsInstruments
subject keywordsInsulation
subject keywordsPlugs
subject keywordsSockets
subject keywordsSuperconducting cables
subject keywordsTesting
subject keywordsFeedthrough
subject keywordsinstrumentation
subject keywordsmagnet component
identifier doi10.1109/TASC.2013.2288066
journal titleApplied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume24
journal issue3

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