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contributor authorWei Li
contributor authorSpong, M.W.
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:30:40Z
date available2020-03-12T18:30:40Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9286
identifier other6645381.pdf
identifier uri
titleUnified Cooperative Control of Multiple Agents on a Sphere for Different Spherical Patterns
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7993657
subject keywordsclosed loop systems
subject keywordscontrol system synthesis
subject keywordsmulti-robot systems
subject keywordsposition control
subject keywordsstability
subject keywordsagent attraction-repulsion interaction
subject keywordsagent closed-loop dynamics
subject keywordsagent formation
subject keywordsattraction-repulsion parameters
subject keywordsfirst-order model
subject keywordsgeometric pattern analysis
subject keywordsgeometrical isomerism
subject keywordsgroup rotation action
subject keywordsmultiple agents
subject keywordsrendezvous
subject keywordsscaling pattern analysis
subject keywordssecond-order model
subject keywordsspherical configurations
subject keywordsspherical patterns
subject keywordsstability analysis
subject keywordsstate-dependent repulsive coefficients
subject keywordsunified con
identifier doi10.1109/TAC.2013.2286897
journal titleAutomatic Control, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume59
journal issue5

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