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contributor authorQuanyi Ye
contributor authorChun Yang
contributor authorYuhua Chong
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:27:41Z
date available2020-03-12T18:27:41Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1041-1135
identifier other6594869.pdf
identifier uri
titleMeasuring the Frequency Response of Photodiode Using Phase-Modulated Interferometric Detection
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7991834
subject keywordsfrequency response
subject keywordsmicrowave photonics
subject keywordsnetwork analysers
subject keywordsoptical modulation
subject keywordsphase modulation
subject keywordsphotodiodes
subject keywordsspectral analysers
subject keywordsfrequency response
subject keywordsgain peaks
subject keywordshalf-wave voltage
subject keywordsintensity ratio
subject keywordsmicrowave network analyzer
subject keywordsmodulated optical side-bands
subject keywordsoptical spectrum analyzer
subject keywordsphase modulator
subject keywordsphase-modulated interferometric detection
subject keywordsphotodiodes
subject keywordsFrequency measurement
subject keywordsFrequency modulation
subject keywordsFrequency response
subject keywordsMicrowave measurement
subject keywordsOptical interferometry
subject keywordsPhase modulation
subject keywordsPhotodiodes
identifier doi10.1109/LPT.2013.2280767
journal titlePhotonics Technology Letters, IEEE
journal volume26
journal issue1

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