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contributor authorZalite, Karlis
contributor authorVoormansik, Kaupo
contributor authorOlesk, Aire
contributor authorNoorma, Mart
contributor authorReinart, Anu
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:27:24Z
date available2020-03-12T18:27:24Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1939-1404
identifier other6588943.pdf
identifier uri
titleEffects of Inundated Vegetation on X-Band HH–VV Backscatter and Phase Difference
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7991647
subject keywordsbackscatter
subject keywordsfloods
subject keywordsremote sensing by radar
subject keywordssynthetic aperture radar
subject keywordsvegetation
subject keywordswetlands
subject keywordsEstonia
subject keywordsTerraSAR-X HH-VV polarization data
subject keywordsX-band HH-VV backscatter
subject keywordsbackscatter analysis
subject keywordsflood
subject keywordsinundated vegetation
subject keywordsphase difference
subject keywordssynthetic aperture radar
subject keywordstree species composition
subject keywordswetland
subject keywordsBackscatter
subject keywordsEducational institutions
subject keywordsRemote sensing
subject keywordsScattering
subject keywordsSynthetic aperture radar
subject keywordsVegetation
subject keywordsVegetation mapping
subject keywordsEarth
subject keywordsradar polarimetry
subject keywordsremote sensing
subject keywordssynthetic aperture radar
subject keywordsvegetation
identifier doi10.1109/JSTARS.2013.2279552
journal titleSelected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of
journal volume7
journal issue4

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