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contributor authorZijie Zhang
contributor authorGuoqiang Mao
contributor authorAnderson, B.D.O.
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:26:15Z
date available2020-03-12T18:26:15Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1524-9050
identifier other6576809.pdf
identifier uri
titleStochastic Characterization of Information Propagation Process in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7990943
subject keywordsroad traffic
subject keywordsstochastic processes
subject keywordsvehicular ad hoc networks
subject keywordsIPS
subject keywordshighway lane
subject keywordsinformation propagation process
subject keywordsinformation propagation speed
subject keywordsstochastic process
subject keywordsvehicle speed distribution
subject keywordsvehicles traffic stream
subject keywordsvehicular ad hoc network
subject keywordswireless communication networks
subject keywordsAustralia
subject keywordsDelays
subject keywordsRoads
subject keywordsVehicles
subject keywordsVehicular ad hoc networks
subject keywordsWireless communication
subject keywordsInformation propagation speed (IPS)
subject keywordsintelligent transport system
subject keywordsmobile ad hoc network
subject keywordsvehicular ad hoc network (VANET)
identifier doi10.1109/TITS.2013.2274274
journal titleIntelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume15
journal issue1

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