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contributor authorOhwatari, Yusuke
contributor authorMiki, Nobuhiko
contributor authorSagae, Yuta
contributor authorOkumura, Yukihiko
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:24:38Z
date available2020-03-12T18:24:38Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9545
identifier other6548101.pdf
identifier uri
titleInvestigation on Interference Rejection Combining Receiver for Space–Frequency Block Code Transmit Diversity in LTE-Advanced Downlink
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7989833
subject keywordsLong Term Evolution
subject keywordschannel estimation
subject keywordscodes
subject keywordscovariance matrices
subject keywordsdiversity reception
subject keywordsinterference suppression
subject keywordsmean square error methods
subject keywordsmobile antennas
subject keywordsradio receivers
subject keywordsreceiving antennas
subject keywordsAlamouti coded signals
subject keywordsAlamouti coding
subject keywordsIRC receiver weight matrix
subject keywordsLTE-Advanced downlink
subject keywordsLTE/LTE-Advanced downlink
subject keywordsLong Term Evolution
subject keywordsMMSE criteria
subject keywordsMRC receiver
subject keywordsSFBC
subject keywordscell-edge environment
subject keywordscell-edge user throughput
subject keywordschannel matrix estimation
subject keywordsextended covariance matrix
subject keywordsintercell interference
identifier doi10.1109/TVT.2013.2271508
journal titleVehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume63
journal issue1

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